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- Did you know you can BUY GrayLore?
Ugh, just saying that feels gross. But yes, you can now buy GrayLore volumes, and it is totally optional. I have always wanted to keep GrayLore free and un-paywalled I wouldn't even make them a paid option if there weren't people asking me to open them up to be paid. GrayLore and all my comics can be read for free, so any paid option is just that. Optional. All my comics can now be purchased in full PDF form on itch.io! If you choose to buy them, it's greatly appreciated, though never required. My full itch.io Click on each image in the gallery to be taken to their respective itch.io page!
- It's been 84 years...
Hello, all my starved GrayLore fans! It took us a long time but we're finally here, I finally have a new gift for everyone! GrayLore Sidepieces are shorter than usual-length GrayLore volumes. These aren't predicted to exceed more than 10 pages apiece. Each Sidepiece tells a smaller story that occurs outside the main, more serious story. Sidepieces are a bit more slice of life and tend to lean more comedic than the main volumes. Sidepieces won't deal with as much tragedy or serious events, but they will give information about characters involved in short, digestible pages. Sidepieces also will be a buffer for me as I prepare for work on the longer, more intensive GrayLore volumes. Know that when I post a sidepiece, there's a much larger volume lurking in the background. Sidepieces don't take nearly as long to make, but they're not what GrayLore is primarily going to be. The other volumes will be our usual length. Important to note, though, is that from Volume 0 and 2 on, the story will be told in point volumes. Instead of how Volume 1 was the full package, Volume 0 and 2 will be divided up into point volumes, or chapters. 2.0 is the volume coming out first, followed by 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc. There's really no way I can fit that whole story into a singular volume until every point is finished. Also, I feel I should show you the cover of Volume 2.0, at least, since you've been waiting so long. I think you can guess what it's about! The sidepiece I've posted today explores a simple conundrum - Nishitani is partially colorblind! It's just a little snippet of his lore, you'll know much more in volume 2. Click to read! I'll try not to keep you waiting as long between volumes. I've learned taking a hiatus that long did me more harm than good. SO much has changed between the last time I posted comics. Like, for instance, how everyone's gotten a major face lift? I don't recognize the art style from GrayLore Volume 1 at all! Thanks for all your support! Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. It really means a lot to me that so many people are interested in my work. I am a bit more active over on YouTube and Discord, so come on over there if you wanna see more frequent, weekly content. You can find those in the footer on my social bar or on my linktree.
- New and improved way to view my comics!
I've taken the time to implement PDF viewer on this site. PDF viewer is a preferred method to the gallery view from before. You can zoom in, go full screen, the whole nine! I do wish that you could use keyboard controls when viewing on desktop, but clicking through it is fine for what it is. All comics going forward will use PDF viewer per each volume. Thank you so much for taking the time to read them! Read GrayLore : Read That's a Stretch!:
- GrayLore Vol. 1 Reprint Announcement
Hello all! GrayLore Vol. 1 has been re-issued. Pages have been adjusted to follow solely Western reading order. I apologize for the prior confusion. Subsequent GrayLore volumes will follow Western reading order. Read the re-issue here:
- That's a Stretch! is BACK on home turf!
Hello out there! I am proud to announce That's a Stretch! has returned to my own hosting! The comics are available to be viewed on other websites, but it's ideal to read the series here, especially because I don't have to censor anything here. Read chapter 1 here: #ThatsAStretch
- GrayLore Vol. 1 is LAUNCHED!
Hello everyone! First blog post on this site, I am incredibly excited to be here. Today marks the day of GrayLore Vol 1 officially releasing to the public. It's been nearly a year in the making but I am so happy to finally be able to share this with the world! Read GrayLore Vol. 1 here: As a note, I am working on trying to make the series as accessibility-friendly as possible. I'm trying to work out what to do about things like alt text and optimal mobile formatting. Bear with me as I try to implement the best changes for the site. #GrayLore